The foundation of Women Giving for Spartanburg is Collective Giving.

With your help, Women Giving Spartanburg has made an amazing impact on Spartanburg County in the last 14 years!  We have awarded 103 Grants totaling over $3 million, and 75 organizations  have been helped with an average grant of $29,142.  What’s exciting is that these numbers will only increase when we award our Grants at our Annual Meeting on May 2, 2022.

In May, we will begin our 15th year.  Four women started Women Giving Spartanburg with an idea to help change Spartanburg County for the better.  They knew through collective giving and high impact grants that we could make positive, sustainable change in Spartanburg County.  Last year, we switched to a forward funding model where all gifts received between January and December go toward the next year’s Grants.  We appreciate everyone who donates by December 31st so that our Grants Committee can better plan for the coming year.

We have not had a dues increase since we began, so our Board has voted to have a slight increase beginning January 1.  Administrative costs have continued to rise, so in order for more of our gifts to go back into the Spartanburg community and continue making a difference, it is time to increase the Women Giving Spartanburg dues.  Beginning in January 2022, our dues will increase to $600 for a Junior Member (ages 21-35) and $1,200 for a Member.  We are now able to offer a payment plan for anyone who would like that.  You can sign up through PayPal or your bank to automatically pay $50/month for a Junior Member and $100/month for a Member.

In addition, we are also offering our Members the chance to increase their giving to $1,500 in honor of our upcoming 15th Anniversary.  With this extra money, we will be able to make an even bigger impact on Spartanburg County.  It is amazing how many different nonprofits we have been able to help over the years.  We are so excited to see how many more we can help in the next 15!

This November, our Board gave out three $500 surprise Grants  to local nonprofits at the BrewGood event on Giving Tuesday.  We pulled names out of a hat, and the lucky recipients were PAL, Girl Scouts Mountain to Midlands, and Spartanburg County Historical Association.  Check out our Facebook page for some great pics from that event!

Always feel free to reach out to our Board if you have any questions.  We are thrilled you are a part of Women Giving!



Christi Brown, Board Chair

Weslie Higdon, Chair Elect