In 2011, the Foundation began offering a series of training workshops to Spartanburg County nonprofits. Known as Nonprofit Connect, this program was developed to convene local nonprofit staff and board members to provide training opportunities, discuss local and national trends, share organization updates, network, and address the difficult issues facing Spartanburg County’s nonprofit sector.
Participants are able to receive techniques and information that will further assist them in fulfilling their mission, identify possible collaborations, and learn more about specific Foundation activities and services. These training sessions are free and lunch is provided to all attending.
Nonprofit Connect also enables The Foundation to learn more about the nonprofits in the community with regard to their accomplishments, areas for improvement and critical needs. In turn, The Foundation is able to identify resources and strategies to better assist these nonprofits in building their capacity and furthering their mission.

The purpose of Nonprofit Connect is to help build the operational capacity of nonprofit organizations in Spartanburg County and increase their ability to effectively serve the community, as well as to increase dialogue among nonprofits to build awareness, advocacy, and partnership opportunities.

- Assist in building the capacity of the nonprofit organizations serving Spartanburg County
- Increase the Foundation’s awareness of nonprofit organizations’ activities and needs
- Grow nonprofit leadership
- Create a venue for networking and collaboration
- Establish new agency funds

Nonprofit Connect targets staff, specifically those in leadership roles, and board members of all nonprofit organizations that serve the residents of Spartanburg County.
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You may sign up to receive regular updates regarding nonprofit-related topics, including announcements of the Foundation’s grantmaking, funding opportunities, and invitations to trainings and workshops. For questions or to begin receiving those updates, please contact Ashley Whitt.