Nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Spartanburg County encompasses 811 square miles in the Upstate of South Carolina. Spartanburg County is home to numerous international businesses such as BMW, Milliken & Co. and Toray Industries, as well as national giants such as Amazon, Adidas, and the national headquarters of Denny’s. A true college town, the city of Spartanburg is home to seven colleges and universities, which contributes to an energetic, vibrant downtown.

Spartanburg County Population Breakdown
- Female = 51.5%
- Male = 48.5%
Age Distribution
- Under 18 = 28%
- Age 18-34 = 20.7%
- Age 35-59 = 29.5%
- Age 60 and Older = 20.7%
- Caucasian = 72.3%
- Black or African American = 20.6%
- Hispanic = 6.2%
- Asian = 2%
- Other = 3.1%
For an overview of Spartanburg County and its future, click here to read Spartanburg County’s Comprehensive Plan.
In compliance with the Council on Foundations’ National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations, The Spartanburg County Foundation maintains a Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Plan to be responsive to the needs of our donors should a disaster occur in the area. In the event of a disaster, please contact the Foundation at (864) 582.0138 or www.spcf.org for further details. The Foundation will make every effort to serve its donors and to ensure continuity of services.
Visit the Spartanburg County Emergency Management website.
To learn more about the quality of life in Spartanburg and how the Foundation is working to improve it, read about the Spartanburg County Community Indicators Project.