Announced in November 2018, the Robert Hett Chapman III Center for Philanthropy is the first center for philanthropy in the state of South Carolina. The Center allows The Spartanburg County Foundation to scale proven initiatives in an innovative and collaborative space designed for the county’s philanthropic and nonprofit sectors.
By combining flexible convening facilities, state-of-the-art technology, and data-driven decision making, the Center is a hub for individuals and organizations to gain knowledge and leadership tools to take action and verify transformative change.
The Center for Philanthropy is a 15,000 square foot facility to fulfill the Foundation’s immediate space needs while also serving as a collaboration space for donors, nonprofits, and the community. Additionally, 2,500 square feet of meeting and office space is reserved for a Partner in Residence. Partners in Residence will be organizations that align with the Foundation’s mission and are focused on educational attainment, economic mobility and other quality of life issues.
The property, donated to the Foundation in 2017 by Susu and George Dean Johnson, is located adjacent to the Foundation’s headquarters at 431 E. Kennedy Street.
A Place for You
The Center for Philanthropy has a place and space for you. Whether you wish to learn through our interactive kiosks located in our Gallery of Philanthropy, need meeting space for your community group, nonprofit planning meeting, or if you have outgrown your workspace and leasing dedicated office space will build your impact, we can meet your need. To learn more, contact Kat Hanold and read through our current policies. Ready to reserve a space? Click here to complete our online room request form.
Take A Virtual Tour
Now is your time to invest in The Robert Hett Chapman III Center for Philanthropy. The Foundation is accepting gifts of any size, and it’s easy to give online! Join others as we work together to not only meet the $4 million matching challenge grant given by Jerry Richardson, but also to help sustain the benefits the Center for Philanthropy will bring to Spartanburg County for years to come.
For naming opportunities within the facility, please contact Troy Hanna via email or at (864) 582.0138.
The Spartanburg County Foundation is offering opportunities to purchase 4×8” customized, engraved brick pavers that will surround The Robert Hett Chapman III Center for Philanthropy for $100 each.
Order your brick(s) by returning this form along with payment (checks payable to The Spartanburg County Foundation). For more information, email Karen Nichols or call 864.582.0138.
Quick Facts
center for philanthropy
in the state of South Carolina
total square feet located at 431 E. Kennedy Street
data-driven hub for all people in Spartanburg County
A Center for Philanthropy
Engages multiple generations of donors to learn about community needs, and participate in innovative solutions so their philanthropy will have greater impact.
Empowers the nonprofit community by providing a home for resources dedicated to leadership development and capacity-building, while creating space to come together and build networks for change.
Elevates sponsoring institutions by improving effectiveness, deepening and broadening impact, and introducing new sources of revenue.
– Janine Lee
President & CEO, Southeastern Council of Foundation
Benefits of a Center for Philanthropy
Flexible, technology-enabled spaces for convenings, meetings, and learning tools will catalyze county-wide collaboration and help leaders move ideas forward.
Data-focused research, technical assistance resources, and access to national change networks and experts will build the capacity of nonprofit organizations of all sizes working in all critical indicator areas.
New assets like Philanthropist Scholars will work with the Foundation staff to better understand and target Spartanburg County’s most critical indicators through the use of data.
Additional opportunities for convening philanthropists and non-profit leaders to build awareness in understanding of critical issues through data will build on the Foundation’s record of impact, and allow all voices to be heard and valued in a collective process to create innovative solutions.
The Spartanburg County Foundation’s initiatives and its Nonprofit Partner in Residence will have room to grow, replicating best practice models to achieve greater impact.
More opportunities for nationally-known thought leaders to share knowledge and learn about the groundbreaking work underway in the county will amplify Spartanburg’s reputation for leadership in innovation.
By leveraging what is working well, the Center will generate additional recognition for an investment in both Spartanburg County and the Foundation and will increase earned revenue opportunities.