Adom Appiah, a seventh-grade student at Spartanburg Day School and founder of Ball4Good, presented a check to Boys and Girls Clubs of the Upstate today. On March 26, 2017, Ball4Good held its first Celebrity Basketball Tournament with the help of several community volunteers, sponsors, and his mentor Mary Thomas, chief operating officer of The Spartanburg County Foundation. The event featured local celebrities including Spartanburg Day School junior Zion Williamson. The event drew a crowd of 800 individuals and raised over $7,600 for Boys and Girls Clubs of the Upstate.
Appiah founded Ball4Good as part of the Day School’s 20 Time Project. Ball4Good’s mission is to support nonprofits and the community through ball tournaments. The Celebrity Basketball Tournament was the first of many fundraising events to be held by Ball4Good. Appiah will organize four fundraising events each year to benefit nonprofits devoted to youth development and homelessness.
Ball4Good has established a fund at The Spartanburg County Foundation to help Appiah fulfill his philanthropic activities. The Spartanburg County Foundation has awarded a $1,000 Just Because grant to the Fund.
“Because of the tremendous outpouring of community support, The Spartanburg County Foundation wanted to help Adom perpetuate his goals by establishing the fund,” said Mary Thomas. “The community foundation exists to allow individuals of all ages fulfill their charitable endeavors.”
Building The Ball4Good Fund is key for Adom’s success. He has secured $4,500 for the Ball4Good fund to date. Anyone interested in supporting Ball4Good may donate here.