Despite a wavering economy, The Spartanburg County Foundation continues to gain momentum, earning a spot on three prestigious Community Foundation Top 100 Lists that were released last month.
There are more than 700 community foundations in the United States; of these, The Spartanburg County Foundation is on the list of Most Gifts Per Capita at number 20, up from 57 last year; Most Active Grantmakers at number 46, up from 81 last year; and Most Activity Volume at number 65 nationwide.
“The true generosity and passion Spartanburg County citizens share for our community is remarkable, and it is evident in these numbers,” said John Dargan, president and CEO. “We have something very special going for us in Spartanburg, and the Foundation is very pleased to be the vehicle that assists so many individuals, corporations and organizations in maximizing their charitable goals.”
In 2012, the Foundation and its donors awarded more than 1,600 grants to nonprofit organizations that serve Spartanburg County, totaling over $11 million in financial assistance that was given to meet community needs. Additionally, more than 2,800 contributions were made to the Foundation in 2012, for a total of almost $28 million in gifts.
“While we can be proud with the Foundation’s accomplishments, it is important to recognize that the needs within our community are ever-increasing.” said Dargan. “The unique role that the Foundation plays as a community leader and donor-focused organization allows us to connect individuals to real needs in the community and leverage resources to make an impactful difference.”
In the 2013 CF Insights publication, “Benchmarking Beyond Asset Size,” the report identifies the “Most Active Grantmakers” by distribution rates, “Most Gifts Per Capita,” and “Most Activity Volume” ranked on total gift and grant transactions.
CF Insights compiles and distributes data and information on finances, operations and best practices for community foundations nationwide. CF Insights was created by FSG, which consults foundations on how to accelerate their social impact, and the national association Council on Foundations.
Since 1943, The Spartanburg County Foundation has worked diligently to improve the lives of all Spartanburg County residents. The Foundation serves as a catalyzing force in bringing people and resources together to create long-term solutions to the County’s most pressing needs.