The Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas (CCP), formerly Children’s Security Blanket, gifted $150,000 to its Agency Endowment Fund held at The Spartanburg County Foundation. These funds will be safeguarded and invested by the Foundation as a “Ready Reserve Fund” that the Spartanburg-based cancer organization can draw from as needed to ensure access to treatment for Carolina children.
“We make promises to brave children every day, and we are building our reserves so we can be certain of honoring those promises,” said CCP Executive Director Laura Allen. “The organization’s growth in these past two years from a single county, Spartanburg, to the whole of South and North Carolina has required extraordinary changes and demanded the growth of endowed and reserve funds to ensure sustainability. This is an important step in that direction.”
Children’s Cancer Partners has entrusted The Spartanburg County Foundation with its resources for nearly 15 years. By establishing an Agency Endowment Fund, CCP has been able to meet current and future needs. The Foundation handles all investment and administrative responsibilities in order for the organization to continue serving children and families affected by cancer.
“The Spartanburg County Foundation has done a fine job of stewarding other funds we have entrusted to it,” Allen said,” and this after all is where our organization began.”
“We are pleased The Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas has entrusted the Foundation with these funds,” states Troy Hanna, President and CEO of The Spartanburg County Foundation. “We value our meaningful partnerships with nonprofit agencies such as CCP and are honored to assist in their growth and meeting important needs in Spartanburg County.”