As we approach the holiday season, The Spartanburg County Foundation Board of Trustees and Staff would like to express our sincere appreciation for you and your partnership with the Foundation. It is only because of your generosity that the Foundation is able to fulfill its mission of promoting philanthropy, encouraging community engagement, and responding to community needs. Thank you for generously giving of your time, talent, and resources to better Spartanburg County. We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! __________________________________________
Our office will be closed Friday, December 22nd, and Monday, December 25th, in observance of Christmas; and, Monday, January 1st, in observance of the New Year Holiday.
Thank you for the positive impact you have made in Spartanburg County over the past year. As we approach the last few weeks of 2017, The Spartanburg County Foundation reminds you there is still time to give!
In order for you to receive a charitable deduction in 2017, Internal Revenue Guidelines require that contributions be dropped off at the Foundation by Friday, December 29th, 5:00 p.m. Or, if you wish to mail your contribution to the Foundation, it must be postmarked by Saturday, December 30th.
For Foundation fundholders who wish to make grant distributions prior to year-end, requests will be accepted through Friday, December 29th, 5:00 p.m.; however, for distributions to be processed by year-end, the request must be received at the Foundation office by Wednesday, December 27th, 5:00 p.m. If you have any questions, contact the Foundation at (864) 582.0138