On Friday, October 16, 2015, the following Spartanburg County nonprofits received a surprise gift…$2,000.00 in unrestricted funds. The Foundation was able to quadruple the Just Because grants, due in part, through the generous donations of several fund holders, the Foundation’s Community Fund, and a partnership with Walmart Foundation. Through these leveraged resources (total of $20,000.00), this year’s “ambush philanthropy” was a huge success as the Foundation continues to build awareness about the important issues in all areas of the County. The Just Because program started in 2014 as an opportunity to bring awareness to issues throughout Spartanburg County and to highlight nonprofit organizations that are working diligently to meet those needs. Visit The Spartanburg County Foundation website at www.spcf.org to view a video.
The Following Nonprofits Received a $2,000 Just Because Grant:
Girls on the Run of Spartanburg
Glendale Outdoor Leadership School
Greer Community Ministries
Life’s Resource Center, Inc.
Mental Health America of Spartanburg County
Partners for Active Living
Spartanburg Art Museum – COLORS Program
Spartanburg Interfaith Hospitality Network (SPIHN)
Temple Education Ministries
Woodruff Area Soup Kitchen
A Special Thanks to the Following Donor Advised Fundholders:
Contec, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Nash
Mr. L. Perrin Powell
Ms. Elsie Wright