2007 Mary L. Thomas Award for Civic Leadership & Community Change
Mary Ann Deku, veteran teacher and dedicated community leader is the first recipient of the Mary L. Thomas Award for Civic Leadership and Community Change.
Mary Ann Deku has worked for the past 30 years adding value through community volunteerism, while mobilizing citizens to bring about positive change. From working to promotevoter registration in our schools and housing complexes, to providing leadership as co-chair of a Community Indicator taskforce, Mary Ann has effectively attracted and organized our citizens to address needs and promote a better quality of life.
As an educator, Mary Ann has implemented effective Character Education programs at Mary H. Wright Elementary School, teaching students to become better citizens through serving others. Through her leadership, local students have raised finds in creative ways to help those in need in our community during Child Abuse Month, on World Food Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. She has made a personal investment in the lives of our young people in and out of the classroom, helping them reach their fullest potential. Mary Ann has touched many throughout her years of service.
At the Annual Meeting, The Foundation honored Mary Ann Deku in the presence of more than 400 community members. Mrs. Deku was presented with a hand-sculpted award and a $5,000 cash grant which she donated to the Bethlehem Center.
Learn more about the history of the Mary L. Thomas Award for Civic Leadership & Community Change and review past recipients.